Tijdstip : 10 bijeenkomsten plus schriftelijke begeleiding, najaar 2022/voorjaar 2023. Vorm : online bijeenkomsten van 2 uur, 1 x per 2 weken op dinsdagen (vanaf jan. 23 op maandagen) van 19-21h. De bijeenkomsten zullen worden opgenomen voor hen die onverhoopt een keer moeten missen. Uitwisseling is mogelijk via Google Classroom. Cursusbeschrijving De Duitse filosoof Carl du Prel was een theosoof van het eerste uur. Hij schreef een fundamentele studie over grensverleggende bewustzijnservaringen. Die schreef hij toe aan de verschuifbaarheid van onze bewustzijnsdrempel. Doorgaans ligt die vast, maar onder invloed van bijzondere omstandigheden (slaap, droom, geestelijke beroering, hypersensitiviteit e.d.) kan die zich verplaatsen. In dat geval blijkt degene die ze ondergaat een onvermoede bewustzijnsverruiming door te kunnen maken, die, volgens Du Prel, ons dwingt om heel anders over de mens na te denken dan we plegen te doen. Deels in aansluiting bij Schopenhauer ontwikkelt D...
Paul Kammerer (1880-1926) was a forerunner of C.G. Jung’s synchronicity concept (he coined the term ‘seriality’). Author of Das Gesetz der Serie (1919), Kammerer was a widely respected researcher of reptiles and insects. A (probably false) accusation of scientific fraud with midwife toads made Kammerer take his own life. Just as Jung, Kammerer kept a log-book in which he registered samples of the coincidences or synchronicities he experienced from the age of twenty to forty. He listed these samples in Das Gesetz der Serie and subdivided them over the following categories: 1) numbers, 2) words and names, 3) persons, 4) mail, particularly letters, 5) dreams, 6) memories, 7) music, 8) science, 9) casualties and accidents, 10) crimes, 11) travels, and 12) other cases and events. [1] From the almost one hundred listed coincidences, I will only select two which are directly related to Paul Kammerer himself and to his research. On 16 February 1917 Kammerer reads ...
12 Themes from Rico Sneller's recently published book Perspectives on Synchronicity, Inspiration, and the Soul About this Event Our old synchronicity is coming to an end…12 themes from the recently published book Perspectives on Synchronicity, Inspiration, and the Soul form the backdrop for a conversation on how humanity can migrate to a new synchronicity – the Perfect Storm - more aligned with the needs of people and their earth today. Listeners/viewers can put in personal or general questions and concerns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical facts, great achievements, grand failures, happiness and unhappiness, all have in common that they came into being through some form of synchronicity. It is never a single event that determines the creation of something of significance, it is always a combination of events, waves and trends that lead to a certain outcome, whether positive or negative. In the current time juncture, where...
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